Hanna Halaburda
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
"Zero-Cost Majority Attacks on Permissionless Blockchains," Management Science 70, no. 6 (2024): 3381--4165 (with Joshua Gans)
"Digitization of Transaction Terms as a Shift Parameter within TCE: Strong Smart Contract as a New Mode of Transaction Governance," MISQ 48, no. 2 (2024): 825--846 (with Natalia Levina and Semi Min)
"Overcoming the Coordination Problem in New Marketplaces via Cryptographic Tokens," Information Systems Research 33, no. 4, Special Issue on Market Design and Analytics (2022): 1368--1385; ISR Best Paper Published in 2022 Runner-Up (with Yannis Bakos)
"The Microeconomics of Cryptocurrencies," Journal of Economic Literature 60, no. 3 (2022): 971--1013 (with Guillaume Haerringer, Joshua Gans, and Neil Gandal)
"Informational Challenges in Omnichannel Marketing: Remedies and Future Research," Journal of Marketing 85, no. 1 (2021): 103--120 (with Tony Haitao Cui, Anindya Ghose, Raghuram Iyengar, Koen Pauwels, S. Sriram, Catherine Tucker, and Sriramanwith Venkataraman)
"When Permissioned Blockchains Deliver More Decentralization Than Permissionless," Communications of ACM 64 (2021): 20--22 (with Yannis Bakos, and Christoph Mueller-Bloch)
"Platform Competition with Multi-homing on Both Sides: Subsidize or Not?," Management Science 66, no. 12 (2020): 5599--5607 (with Yannis Bakos)
"Dynamic Competition with Network Externalities: Why History Matters," RAND Journal of Economics, 51 (2020): 3-31; lead article (with Bruno Jullien, and Yaron Yehezkel)
"Were Jews in Interwar Poland More Educated?'' Journal of Demographic Economics 86, Special Issue on The Economics of Religion (September 2020): 291--304 (with Ran Abramitzky)
"Focality Advantage in Platform Competition," Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 28, Special Issue on Platforms (2019): 49--59 (with Yaron Yehezkel)
"Blockchain Revolution without the Blockchain," Communications of the ACM 61 (July 2018): 27--29
"Competing by Restricting Choice: The Case of Search Platforms," Management Science, 64 (2018): 3574--3594 (with Mikolaj Jan Piskorski, and Pinar Yildirim)
"Digital Currencies: Beyond Bitcoin," Communications & Strategies 103, Special Issue on Fintech (2016): 77--92
"Can We Predict the Winner in a Market with Network Effects? Competition in the Cryptocurrency Market," GAMES 7, Special Issue on Game Theoretic Analyses of Multi-Sided Markets (2016): 16--36 (with Neil Gandal)
"Monotone Strategyproofness," Games and Economic Behavior 98 (2016): 68--77 (with Guillaume Haeringer)
"The Role of Coordination Bias in Platform Competition," Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 25, no. 2 (2016): 274--312 (with Yaron Yehezkel)
"Information and Two-Sided Platform Profits," International Journal of Industrial Organization 34 (May 2014): 25--35 (with Andrei Hagiu)
"When Does a Platform Create Value by Limiting Choice?'' Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 23, no. 2 (2014): 258--292 (with Ramon Casadesus-Masanell)
"Platform Competition under Asymmetric Information," American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 5, no. 3 (2013): 22--68 (with Yaron Yehezkel)
"When Smaller Menus are Better: Variability in Menu-Setting Ability," Management Science 59, no. 11 (2013): 2518--2535 (with David Goldreich)
"Unraveling in Two-Sided Matching Markets and Similarity of Preferences," Games and Economic Behavior 69, no. 2 (2010): 365--393
Working Papers
"An Economic Model of Consensus of Distributed Ledgers," NBER working paper, May 2023; (with Zhiguo He, and Jiasun Li)
"Bitcoin Mining Meets Wall Street: A Study of Publicly Traded Crypto Mining Companies," NYU working paper, January 2023 (with David Yermack)
"Tradeoffs in Permissioned vs Permissionless Blockchains: Trust and Performance," with Yannis Bakos, NYU working paper, April 2023; best paper finalist at WISE 2021 (with Yannis Bakos)
"Blockchains, Smart Contracts and Connected Sensors: Enforceable Execution vs Better Information," NYU working paper, May 2023 (with Yannis Bakos)
"Will Blockchains Disintermediate Platforms? The Problem of Credible Decentralization in DAOs," NYU working paper, March 2023; best paper award at Tokenomics 2023, best paper award at WISE 2023 (with Yannis Bakos)
"Decentralization vs. Blockchain Neutrality: The Unequal Burden of Ethereum?s Market Mechanism on dApps," NYU working paper, May 2022; best paper finalist at WISE 2022 (with Daniel Obermeier)
Beyond Bitcoin: The Economics of Digital Currencies and Blockchain Technologies, 2nd ed, Palgrave Macmillan 2022 (with Miklos Sarvary, and Guillaume Haeringer)
Beyond Bitcoin: The Economics of Digital Currencies, Palgrave Macmillan 2015 (with Miklos Sarvary)
Book Chapters
"Blockchain Toolbox for Digital Platforms," in Cambridge University Press Handbook on Digital Platforms, Anthony Dukes, Daniel Sokol, Tianshu Sun, Feng Zhu (eds), Cambridge University Press, forthcoming (with Guillaume Haeringer, and Daniel Obermeier)
"Unraveling,'' in Online and Matching-Based Market Design, Federico Echenique, Nicole Immorlica, Vijay Vazirani (eds), Cambridge University Press, 2023 (with Guillaume Haeringer)
"Bitcoin: A Revolution?," in Digital Economy, J. Ganuza and G. Llobet (eds), 2018 (with Guillaume Haeringer)
"Some Economics of Private Digital Currency," in Economic Analysis of the Digital Economy, A. Goldfarb, S. Greenstein and C. Tucker (eds), The University of Chicago Press, 2015(with Joshua Gans)
Policy Analysis
"Central Bank Digital Currencies: A Framework for Assessing Why and How," Bank of Canada Staff Discussion Paper 2016-22 (with Ben S.C. Fung)
"Understanding Platform-Based Digital Currencies," Bank of Canada Review, Spring 2014: 12--20 (with Ben S.C. Fung)
Editor-Reviewed Publications
"Web 3 and the Future of the Digital Platform Economy: The Tricky Business of Finding the "Just Right" Level of Decentralization," NIM Marketing Intelligence Review 16 (2), Special Issue on Platforms (2024): 40--45 Vol 16, No 2 (2024) (with Daniel Obermeier)
"The business revolution: Economy-wide impacts of artificial intelligence and digital platforms," (editorial) Journal of Economics \& Management Strategy 33 (2), Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence and the Business Revolution (2024): 267--479 (with Jeffrey Prince, D. Daniel Sokol, and Feng Zhu)
"Central bank digital currencies risk becoming a digital Leviathan," Nature Human Behavior (commentary), July 2022 (with Andrea Baronchelli, and Alex Teytelboym)
"Toward a Multidimensional Conceptualization of Decentralization in Blockchain Governance: Commentary on "Two Sides of The Same Coin? Decentralized Versus Proprietary Blockchains and the Performance of Digital Currencies'' by Cennamo, Marchesi, and Meyer," Academy of Management Discoveries, 2020, Vol. 6, No. 4, 713--714 (with Christoph Mueller-Bloch)
"Will We Realize Blockchain's Promise of Decentralization?," Harvard Business Review, September 2019 (with Christoph Mueller-Bloch)
"The Limits of Scale: Companies That Get Big Fast Are Often Left Behind," Harvard Business Review 92, no. 4 (April 2014): 95-99 (with Felix Oberholzer-Gee)
"When Should a Platform Give People Fewer Choices and Charge More for Them?'' The CPI Antitrust Journal 6, no. 2 (2010): 2010--2011 (with Mikolaj Jan Piskorski)